Featured Schools

A hand drawn graphic of three kites.A hand drawn graphic of three kites.

The Brook Hill School

The Brook Hill School is a coed boarding school in Bullard, Texas with 800 students Pre-K – 12th grade, and we start boarding school in 8th grade. Of our 8th–12th graders, there are about 330 students (120 boarders). Bullard is about 1.5 hours outside of Dallas, Texas. At Brook Hill, our goal is that every student who walks the halls will become a better learner, leader, listener, problem-solver, and friend. Students excel academically, mature spiritually, and engage globally.

A hand drawn butterfly graphic.

Explore Our Featured School Sponsors

Discovering the right-fit school to nurture your student is half the admission process journey. The sky is the limit, and we want to thank the featured schools presented here, as their sponsorships are vital in delivering Admission.org resources to assist you. Take a closer look at how these outstanding schools can help your student grow—you might be surprised by what you find.

A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a hot air balloon.
A hand drawn graphic of a plant.

Find a school that's unbe-leaf-able!

Whatever type of school you're looking for, we can help. Day schools. Boarding schools. Schools that dance. Schools that play. Schools that pray. Use our Private School Search to discover the schools that will help your child hone their strengths and discover hidden talents. Where will they blossom?