What grade level should I indicate on the SSAT registration?

May 19, 2022
A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a hot air balloon.

The Elementary Level SSAT is intended for students currently in grades 3-4, the Middle Level is for students in grades 5-7, and the Upper Level is for students in grades 8-11. 

In general, you should indicate the grade that your child is currently in unless directed otherwise by a school; however, the following scenarios are examples of when you may want to indicate a different grade:

  • Repeating a grade: Indicate one grade lower than the student's current grade to ensure they are compared to their new peers for percentile scoring.

  • Skipping a grade: Indicate one grade higher than the student's current grade to ensure they are compared to their new peers for percentile scoring.
  • Practice: You may indicate a grade higher as part of the student's SSAT practice and preparation. For example, a student taking the SSAT in the spring of their seventh-grade year in preparation for applying to high school may indicate grade 8 to see how they compare with students taking the SSAT in eighth grade. While the intent may be to take the SSAT as practice, all official SSAT administrations are real and you can use these testing-up scores when applying to schools.
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