Get Connected to Colleges and Universities
By the numbers
College Planning Starts Now
It's never too early for college planning, and we can connect you to outstanding colleges and universities actively seeking students that match your preferences regarding location, school type, and academic, art, athletic, or specialty programs.
As parents, the sooner we engage in these conversations, the better prepared and empowered we'll be to help our children make this life-altering decision.This exclusive offer is free for families with an EMA account from the SSAT, Character Skills Snapshot, or Standard Application Online.
Fill in the form below to get started and take a look at the list of participating institutions.
Let's Get Started
Once you've opted into our college and university recruitment service below, participating schools will contact you directly, helping you learn about the opportunities open to your child. If the fields in the form below are not pre-populated, please refresh your browser.
Participating Colleges and Universities
Please note that not all of the participating schools have access to contact you as some are only looking to connect with students in their geographic region.
- Arizona State University
- Baylor University
- Bryan College
- Clark University
- LIM College
- Pacific University
- Rose-Hulman University
- Southwestern University
- The American University of Paris
- Trinity College Dublin
- University of Chicago
- Western Carolina University